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Getting to Know the Body's Immune System: Definition, Components, & How It Works

 The immune system is the body's defense system to protect against various bad microorganisms that cause infection or disease. This system consists of various components and the way they work is complex.” Jakarta – The body's immune system plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health by carrying out a series of defense mechanisms, such as recognizing and responding to foreign objects. The foreign objects in question are pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, germs, parasites and fungi. Some of these pathogens cause disturbances and damage to a person's body. Want to know more about how the immune system works? Check out the following information! Understanding the Body's Immune System The immune system is the body's defense system against attacks by foreign substances. In fact, foreign substances not only come from outside the body, such as pathogens, but are also found inside the body. Foreign substances originating from within the body are dead cells or cells

this is how to deal with hiccups in babie

“There are several causes of baby hiccups and specific ways to deal with them. Among them are changing breastfeeding positions, patting the baby's back, or helping the Little One to burp."

Thedoctormedical , united states – There are many causes for baby hiccups. In addition, babies are prone to hiccups because the control mechanisms for their reflexes have not yet developed optimally. As a result, sometimes the diaphragm can suddenly tighten and close the vocal cords in the esophagus, producing the characteristic hiccup sound at the top of the throat.

Quoting information in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care , the cause of baby hiccups can be due to certain diseases. The environmental conditions in which the child grows can also trigger hiccups. For example, when a baby hears loud noises, sudden screams, and other disturbing sounds.

Even though hiccups in babies or toddlers are generally something normal and harmless, if they start to disturb your comfort, it's a good idea for mothers to learn or find out how to deal with them below!

Various Ways to Overcome Hiccups
The hiccups can stop without the mother doing anything, but they can last a long time, causing great discomfort to the baby. So, how to overcome it? Check out the tips here!

1. Change breastfeeding position
When breastfeeding, air often enters the baby's mouth, which causes hiccups. How to deal with hiccups in newborns, one of which is by changing the position of breastfeeding.

After fixing the breastfeeding position, it is hoped that the baby will no longer take in air along with the milk . If hiccups persist, stop breastfeeding temporarily, as the baby will most likely choke on them.

2. Make sure the breastfeeding position is correct
It's a good idea to also check your breastfeeding position. Is it correct or not? The proper position for breastfeeding is for the nipple and areola (the darker skin that surrounds the nipple) to enter the baby's mouth, followed by the baby's stomach facing directly against the mother's stomach.

This position can help the baby receive breast milk properly, so hiccups won't happen. Apart from that, you also need to know 4 Newborn Breastfeeding Positions that You Can Try .

3. Hug your little one
The simplest way to deal with hiccups in newborns is to hug them. Hugging a baby can provide peace when his tiny body has to experience hiccups that are a little annoying.

Usually within a few minutes, the baby will stop hiccupping and return to normal.

4. Patting the baby's back
Apart from hugging him, you can also deal with hiccups in newborns by patting the baby on the back.

Hold the baby in a standing position, place his head on your shoulder, then gently pat the baby's back until he burps. This method, if you continue to get used to it, is effective enough to stop hiccups quickly.

5. Feed little by little
Has the baby started eating complementary foods ? To avoid hiccups, it's best to give him food little by little and slowly. This way, your little one won't be in a hurry when they have to swallow it.

6. Use a pacifier
Babies don't always hiccup while breastfeeding. If your baby suddenly has hiccups, let him suck on the pacifier, as this will help relax the diaphragm and may help stop the hiccup attacks.

7. Stop breastfeeding for a while and help the baby burp
When feeding the baby, try to pause to help the baby burp. This can help get rid of hiccups, because burping can get rid of excess gas that may be causing hiccups.

If the hiccups that occur together with vomiting, take it to the doctor immediately. Because, usually this indicates that the baby is experiencing digestive problems.

Hiccups usually go away on their own when your little one sleeps. As the baby gets older, hiccups will also no longer appear because the balance in the body's system is increasing.

However, to minimize the feeling of discomfort when hiccups in children naturally occur, mothers can follow the method for dealing with hiccups in newborns recommended above. As previously mentioned, sometimes the cause of hiccups can be due to certain diseases.

Things Mothers Need to Avoid when Babies Hiccups
Apart from doing the tips above, mothers also need to avoid a number of things when their little one has hiccups, such as:

Don't surprise him. Surprising someone who has the hiccups is often thought to be an effective hiccup reliever. However, this method is not good for you to do on babies. This is because the baby's neurological development is not yet fully capable of processing unfamiliar sounds.
Pulling the little one's tongue. There is a myth that tugging on a baby's tongue while pressing on his forehead can stop hiccups. However, this did not prove successful. In fact, it will actually hurt or trouble the Little One.
Give water. Water is often the way to deal with hiccups. However, the mother must limit the number of babies given to the baby. If your little one is under 6 months old, avoid giving anything other than breast milk or formula.
Replace milk. Many parents believe that changing formula milk can reduce the frequency of hiccups. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Changing infant formula will not change the frequency of hiccups.

Causes of Constant Hiccups in Babies and the Dangers
Cost hiccups occur in infants during the first year of life. Even some babies have hiccups while still in the womb, even though the mother may not realize it.

You don't need to worry, baby hiccups are not dangerous, they are a natural reaction to something happening in their stomach.

However, if hiccups occur frequently or seem to bother your little one, there may be an indication of an underlying health condition. Conditions that can cause hiccups, such as gastroesophageal reflux (GER). GER can cause persistent and uncomfortable hiccups.

A baby may have GER if:

Crying more than usual, especially when breastfeeding.
Excessive arching of the back, during or after feeding.
Spit up more often than usual.
If the mother suspects that her little one has GER, you should immediately contact a pediatrician to get the right treatment


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