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Cara agar wajah bersih berseri dengan bahan alami

 Berikut beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan wajah putih berseri dengan bahan alami: 1. **Lidah Buaya**: Oleskan gel lidah buaya pada wajah, biarkan selama 20-30 menit, lalu bilas dengan air. Lidah buaya membantu melembapkan dan mencerahkan kulit. 2. **Madu dan Lemon**: Campurkan satu sendok makan madu dengan beberapa tetes air lemon. Oleskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama 15 menit sebelum dibilas. Madu memberikan kelembapan, sedangkan lemon membantu mencerahkan. 3. **Yogurt dan Madu**: Campurkan yogurt dengan sedikit madu. Oleskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama 20 menit. Ini dapat membantu mencerahkan kulit dan mengurangi minyak. 4. **Beras**: Rendam beras dalam air selama beberapa jam, kemudian haluskan. Oleskan pasta ini pada wajah dan biarkan hingga kering sebelum dibilas. Beras dapat membantu mengangkat sel kulit mati. 5. **Tomat**: Gosokkan irisan tomat pada wajah dan biarkan selama 15-20 menit. Tomat mengandung lycopene yang dapat membantu mencerahkan dan menyegarkan kulit. 6. **Kenta

the dangers of body effects due to a lot of magnesium

Although it is an important mineral, excess magnesium can have an effect on health. Starting from a sudden heart stop, physical symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and muscle cramps, to excessive anxiety.

Thedoctormedical , united states - The body needs various kinds of minerals to support its optimal function, one of which is magnesium. However, if there is too much magnesium in the body, this can also trigger health problems.

Excessive levels in the body is called hypermagnesemia. Usually, hypermagnesemia often occurs in people who have experienced liver failure or end-stage renal failure.

This is because the kidneys or liver cannot work optimally to keep the levels of these minerals in the body balanced. Damaged kidneys cannot get rid of excess magnesium out of the body, resulting in a buildup of minerals in the blood.

So, what are the effects of excess mineral levels with this chemical element Mg in the body?

The Impact of a Body Experiencing a Buildup of Magnesium
The daily consumption limit for magnesium is not the same for everyone, it depends on their age, gender and physical condition. If excessive consumption, hypermagnesemia occurs .

Normally, the magnesium level the body needs is between 1.7 and 2.3 mg/dL. The body is said to have excess levels of this mineral when the level in the body has reached more than 2.6 mg/dL.

Here are some conditions that occur in the body if you experience a buildup of Mg minerals:

1. Symptoms of physical disorders

The effects that appear on the body are nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure that looks unusual, headaches, or diarrhea. In addition, there may also be disturbances in the nervous system, muscle weakness, breathing problems, irregular heartbeats, and lethargy.

According to health data published in International Urology and Nephrology , too much dietary magnesium does not pose a health risk in healthy individuals. This is because the kidneys get rid of excess magnesium in the urine.

However, if the excess intake is obtained from supplements or drugs, it can trigger diarrhea accompanied by nausea and stomach cramps.

2. Cardiac arrest

In severe cases, excess of this essential mineral can alter the heartbeat and result in cardiac arrest. This is a condition when the heart stops suddenly.

3. Brain nerve damage 

Magnesium plays an important role in relaying signals between the brain and the body. In nerve cells, these compounds help with brain development, memory, and learning. Even so, excessive intake can stimulate nerve cells unnecessarily. This kind of overstimulation can kill nerve cells and can cause brain damage.

4. Disorders of electrolyte balance

Severe excess levels of the mineral Mg can cause difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat and heart attack. In very rare cases, people who take too much magnesium can develop fatal hypermagnesemia. This can be marked by electrolyte disturbances, as occurs in people with kidney failure.

5. Triggers anxiety

This mineral also modulates the activity of the hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal axis which is central to the stress response system. Over-activation of this area due to excess magnesium can increase unnecessary anxiety

Various Benefits of Magnesium for the Body
Here are the various benefits of magnesium for the body:

1. Convey signals between the brain and the body

Magnesium plays an important role in relaying signals between the brain and the body. Its presence keeps the nerves from being overstimulated, which can lead to brain damage.

2. Maintain a healthy heart rate

A healthy heart rate depends on the levels and performance of this mineral. Magnesium works together with calcium to produce heart contractions. Calcium entering the heart muscle cells stimulates the muscle fibers to contract. Magnesium counteracts these effects, helping cells relax. The movement of calcium and magnesium throughout the heart cells maintains a healthy heartbeat .

3. Regulate muscle contraction

Magnesium also plays a role in regulating muscle contractions. Just like in the heart, this mineral acts as a natural calcium blocker to help muscles relax. If the body doesn't have enough magnesium to compete with calcium, muscles may contract too much, causing cramps or spasms.

4. Lower blood pressure

Taking this supplement may lower blood pressure. People who consume 450 mg of magnesium every day can experience a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, especially for people with hypertension.

5. Reducing the risk of heart disease

Low levels of the mineral Mg can increase the risk of heart disease. Magnesium has strong anti-inflammatory properties, can prevent blood clots, and can help blood vessels relax, thereby lowering blood pressure.

Foods that contain lots of magnesium
Although it can be obtained through supplement intake, it is even better if this mineral is obtained naturally through food. What foods contain magnesium?

Pumpkin seeds.

Chia seeds.

Almond nut.

Cashew nut.
Soy milk.


Wheat bread.


Brown rice.


If you often eat foods that are high in fat, there is a possibility that you absorb less magnesium from food. This is because magnesium does not dissolve in fat so it can thwart the process of absorption of magnesium in the body.


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