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Getting to Know the Body's Immune System: Definition, Components, & How It Works

 The immune system is the body's defense system to protect against various bad microorganisms that cause infection or disease. This system consists of various components and the way they work is complex.” Jakarta – The body's immune system plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health by carrying out a series of defense mechanisms, such as recognizing and responding to foreign objects. The foreign objects in question are pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, germs, parasites and fungi. Some of these pathogens cause disturbances and damage to a person's body. Want to know more about how the immune system works? Check out the following information! Understanding the Body's Immune System The immune system is the body's defense system against attacks by foreign substances. In fact, foreign substances not only come from outside the body, such as pathogens, but are also found inside the body. Foreign substances originating from within the body are dead cells or cells

the Abstinence for Normal Childbirth

"Normal delivery has benefits such as faster recovery, lower risk of complications, and a stronger bond between mother and baby. However, there are some conditions and restrictions on normal childbirth that mothers need to know."

Thedoctormedical , united states – Normal delivery, also known as vaginal delivery, is the process of giving birth through the mother's birth canal naturally, without surgical intervention such as a caesarean section.

In vaginal delivery, uterine contractions push the baby through the mother's pelvis and out through the vagina. This process involves a number of phases, namely the stage of cervical dilatation, the stage of complete dilation of the cervix, the stage of expulsion of the baby, and the stage of expulsion of the placenta.

What are the Requirements for Normal Childbirth?
Not all pregnant women can give birth normally . Some of the conditions that you need to fulfill, namely:

Normal baby development. Normal delivery is recommended for women who have an uncomplicated pregnancy and normal fetal development.

Head presentation. Pregnant women can give birth normally if the baby is in head presentation which allows normal delivery.

Previous normal birth process. If a mother has a history of previous normal births without complications, vaginal delivery can be a safe and possible option.

Know the Abstinence for Normal Childbirth
There are also various conditions that prevent mothers from giving birth normally. Here are some of them:

1. History of previous operations

If a mother has a history of difficult labor or previous pelvic surgery, a vaginal delivery may not be recommended by a doctor.

2. Multiple or multiple births

Giving birth to twins tends to have a higher risk. This condition requires more intensive monitoring and medical treatment. In some cases, vaginal delivery is often not recommended.

3. Severe preeclampsia

Severe preeclampsia is severe hypertension that occurs during pregnancy. This condition can cause organ damage and threaten the lives of mother and baby.

In this case, a normal delivery is definitely not recommended by doctors and requires more intensive medical intervention.

4. Abnormalities of the placenta

If the placenta (placenta) attaches to or covers the cervix (placenta previa) or detaches before the time of delivery (placenta previa), vaginal birth will be very risky.

5. Fetal malperformance

Also known as malpresentational dysfunction, it occurs when the baby is not positioned in the uterus as expected at this stage of labor. Under normal conditions, the baby should be in a head-down position (head position in the mother's pelvis) to facilitate the normal delivery process.

There are several types of fetal malperformance, namely:

Breech (breech): When the baby's buttocks or pelvis is down, not the head. There are several variations of the breech position, such as a full breech position or a half breech position.
Transverse: When the baby is in a transverse or sideways position in the womb, so that the body parts are facing sideways or upwards. This includes back position or shoulder position.
Complex breech: This condition occurs when the baby's buttocks are down, but the legs also protrude downwards making it difficult to give birth normally.
Fetal malperformance can increase the risk of complications during delivery, such as difficulty for the baby to pass through the birth canal or clamping of the umbilical cord.

6. Infection or infectious disease

Pregnant women who have serious infections, such as uncontrolled urinary tract infections, hepatitis, HIV, or genital herpes, are not recommended by doctors to give birth normally. This is to prevent transmission of infection to the baby.

7. Bleeding disorders

If the mother has a serious bleeding disorder, such as placenta previa or placental abruption (premature separation of the placenta), vaginal birth can endanger the lives of both mother and baby. Doctors usually recommend a caesarean section to prevent complications.

8. Macrosomia

The hallmark of this condition is the fetal weight exceeding 4–4.5 kg. Macrosomia can cause a pinched shoulder in the baby (shoulder dystocia) if you are forced to give birth normally.

Tips to be able to give birth normally

If the mother wants to be able to give birth normally, there are some tips that can be done:

1. Routinely perform prenatal care

Prenatal care is very important to make sure the pregnancy goes well. During this treatment, the doctor will monitor the development and health of the mother and baby, as well as provide information and advice for normal delivery.

3. Maintain physical fitness

Exercising regularly during pregnancy can help maintain physical fitness, strengthen muscles, and prepare the body for normal delivery.

Consult with your doctor about the type and level of exercise that is safe for pregnancy.

3. Practice the correct position during pregnancy

Mothers should also start paying attention to good and ergonomic positions during pregnancy. This can help improve posture, reduce discomfort, and promote placement of the baby in a good position for normal delivery.

4. Self-education about normal delivery

Learn about normal labour, breathing techniques and optimal positions. This can help reduce anxiety and increase confidence in vaginal delivery.

Mothers can also take birth preparation classes or consult a midwife to get important information. The most important thing is, make sure you know the signs that pregnant women are about to give birth .

5. Get good emotional and physical support

Emotional and physical support from a partner, family, or medical personnel is very important during labour. Having positive, trusted support can help reduce stress and increase self-esteem during a vaginal birth.

6. Consider natural birth

Some practices such as using breathing techniques, massaging the perineum, and taking warm baths can help reduce pain and increase comfort during a normal delivery.

Discuss with your doctor or midwife about these options and whether they are suitable for your mother's condition. Also know the duties and roles of midwives in hospitals .

It is important for mothers to remember that each pregnancy and childbirth is unique. Always consult with trained medical personnel, such as a midwife or obstetrician.

The goal is to get advice and recommendations in accordance with the health conditions and development of pregnancy.


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