“Soft lens is a tool to support vision and appearance which is available in various shapes and sizes. However, using it carries a risk of causing dry eyes, red eyes, and corneal abrasions.”
Thedoctormedical, united states - Softlens or contact lenses are included in the type of visual aids. Its use not only clarifies vision, but also beautifies the appearance of the eyes.
Contact lenses are available in a variety of colors, patterns and sizes. Before using it, you need to pay attention to the danger first. Because, its use risks causing dry eyes to irritation.
The Impact of Using Contact Lenses for the Eyes
The use of contact lenses is actually safe. As long as you follow the instructions for use and maintain good hygiene. If not, these are the health risks that lurk:
1. Triggers dry eyes
Wearing contact lenses for a long time can cause dry eyes. According to a 2008 study published in the journal Optometry and Vision Science , about half of contact lens users experience dry eyes.
This disorder carries the risk of causing pain, burning, or a gritty sensation like something is stuck. Other effects include blurred vision and discomfort in the eyes.
2. Red eyes
Red eyes or conjunctivitis can cause various complications, depending on the cause. Infection, for example, can be triggered by bacteria that enter the bloodstream and attack body tissues.
If you keep using contact lenses, the infection can lead to the middle ear, even infecting the protective layer of the spinal cord of the brain. Another impact is in the form of keratitis.
Keratitis itself is an inflammation of the cornea of the eye, so that sufferers are more sensitive to flashes of light. Worse, the disorder can lead to blindness if a wound appears on the cornea of the eye.
3. Corneal abrasion
Corneal abrasion is the impact of using contact lenses which causes scratches on the eye (abrasion). Symptoms are characterized by severe discomfort and pain. This disorder can lead to decreased vision ability.
In addition, the Emergency management of contact lens associated corneal abrasions study published in the BMJ Journal also states that contact lenses can harm the corneal epithelium.
This is because contact lenses act as vectors for pathogens, namely places that facilitate the development of bacterial keratitis. It is this bacterial buildup that increases the user's risk of corneal abrasion.
4. Corneal infections and ulcers
Corneal ulcers are a medical emergency that require immediate treatment. This condition is characterized by watery eyes, red eyes, blurred vision, and swelling of the eyelids.
According to a study entitled Contact lens related corneal ulcer published in the Malaysian Family Physician , corneal ulcers caused by infection are one of the main causes of blindness worldwide.
One of the recent health problems is the increasing incidence of corneal ulcers related to contact lens wearers. Especially if the user does not follow specific instructions in using their contact lenses.
5. Eyes lack of oxygen
The role of oxygen in the eye is the same as that of other important organs, such as the heart, lungs and brain. However, the content in the eye can decrease due to contact lens hygiene that is not maintained properly.
6. Ptosis
Ptosis is a disorder that makes the eyelids droop and look sleepy. This problem is triggered by fluids such as saliva moving into the tissues and pulling on the eyelids. This condition can also cause sticky eyes and difficulty opening.
7. Decreased corneal reflex
The corneal reflex is a natural movement that occurs when there is danger. This reflex also aims to lubricate the eye and prevent foreign objects from entering it. Overuse of contact lenses can reduce spontaneous movement.
Research entitled The effect of contact lens wear on corneal sensation published by ResearchGate states, the use of contact lenses can result in a decrease in corneal sensitivity.
The intensity of loss of sensation is related to the type of contact lens, the material from which it is made, and the frequency and duration of wearing. In short, with increasing usage time, the risk of loss of movement reflexes is higher.
8. Dilation of blood vessels
Improper use of contact lenses can cause the blood vessels in the eye to enlarge. This can make the eye look red and feel uncomfortable, as well as feel sore.
9. Burning sensation in the eyes
This condition is characterized by symptoms in the form of eye irritation, excessive rubbing, which can cause crusts, itching, redness and swelling of the eyelids. This condition can be caused by infection, irritation, or an allergic reaction due to the use of contact lenses.
Symptoms of Eye Disorders Due to Contact Lenses
The use of contact lenses that are too long or wrong can cause various complaints. Symptoms include:
The emergence of discomfort in the eye.
Excess tear production.
Unusual sensitivity to light.
Feeling itchy, burning, or gritty.
Unusual redness of the eye
Blurred vision.
Pain occurs.
How to Overcome Eye Complaints Due to the Use of Softlens
If you experience symptoms of irritation or infection due to contact lens use, follow these steps:
If you experience symptoms of eye irritation or infection, remove contact lenses immediately and do not reuse them.
Call or see a doctor immediately to get the right treatment.
Do not throw away contact lenses.
We recommend that you keep it in place so that the doctor can see the condition of the lens.
The goal is to determine the cause of the appearance of eye complaints.
Maintain hand hygiene by washing hands frequently.
Replace contact lenses according to the schedule.
Take off contact lenses when going to bed.
Tips for Using Softlens Safely
To prevent some of the impacts above, you can follow some of the tips below:
1. Adjust to the condition of the eye
Improper use of contact lenses can trigger discomfort. Therefore, you should first discuss with your doctor before buying it. Also tell if you have a history of sensitive eyes.
3. Pay attention to usage time
The safe wearing time for contact lenses is 8 hours. Moreover, these vision aids have the potential to harm eye health. The reason is because of direct contact with the eyeball, thereby increasing the risk of exposure to parasites, germs and viruses.
4. Compulsory contact lens equipment
Before buying contact lenses, you should first complete the mandatory equipment. For example, buying eye drops, fluids, and special containers. You can also buy a contact lens cleaner that works automatically like a washing machine. That way, this thing becomes safer when used.
5. Avoid dusty environment
Dust can stick to the contact lens surface. Not only triggers discomfort, dust can also have a negative impact on the quality of vision. If you want to travel, you should use glasses to minimize dust exposure.
6. Adjust the function
Tips for using the last softlens , namely adjusting to its function. If it functions to help support vision in people with minus, you should choose the appropriate minus. Also adjust the diameter of the contact lens to the cornea of the eye so that it feels more comfortable.
That is the impact of using contact lenses that can occur. Like the review above, various impacts will usually only occur if you use contact lenses in the wrong way.
For example, using it for too long, not washing your hands before using it, and not cleaning it after use. As long as they are used properly, the use of contact lenses is not something dangerous.
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