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Getting to Know the Body's Immune System: Definition, Components, & How It Works

 The immune system is the body's defense system to protect against various bad microorganisms that cause infection or disease. This system consists of various components and the way they work is complex.” Jakarta – The body's immune system plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health by carrying out a series of defense mechanisms, such as recognizing and responding to foreign objects. The foreign objects in question are pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, germs, parasites and fungi. Some of these pathogens cause disturbances and damage to a person's body. Want to know more about how the immune system works? Check out the following information! Understanding the Body's Immune System The immune system is the body's defense system against attacks by foreign substances. In fact, foreign substances not only come from outside the body, such as pathogens, but are also found inside the body. Foreign substances originating from within the body are dead cells or cells

5 effects of wrong diet


"Doing the wrong diet can have negative impacts on health, including nutritional deficiencies and eating habits that can disrupt the balance of the body."

Thedoctormedical, united states – Diets are often seen as a popular way to lose weight and stay healthy. However, it is often associated with extreme eating patterns. In fact, an improper diet can have a negative impact on our health.

Restricting food intake too much, ignoring the needs of the body, or trying to diet that is not natural can be bad for the body and overall health. What are the impacts? Check out the explanation below!

The Impact of Mistakes in Implementing a Diet for the Body
Here are some of the health effects that may occur when someone is wrong to apply a diet

1. Imbalance in nutritional intake
One of the most common effects of adopting a diet the wrong way is a lack of balanced nutrition. A diet that limits your intake of certain foods can drastically reduce your calorie intake.

In addition, it can cause a deficiency of important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. This can lead to fatigue, decreased stamina and long-term health problems such as osteoporosis or anemia.

2. Disturbed metabolism
When a person drastically reduces food intake, the body will respond by reducing metabolism to compensate for the lack of energy. This is a natural mechanism that the body uses to survive starvation.

However, if extreme dieting is carried out over a long period of time, the body's metabolism may remain low even after stopping the diet. This can make it harder to lose weight and easier to gain after you stop dieting.

3. Disorders of eating patterns
Eating too tightly or restricting certain foods can also cause eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. To find out the symptoms, you can also read the article about Potentially Life-Threatening, These are Symptoms of Bulimia .

People who obsess over their weight and shape may adopt unhealthy eating patterns and experience feelings of guilt or shame when they break their dietary rules.

4. Unbalanced emotions
Poor food intake can also affect a person's emotional balance. Excessive hunger or lack of energy due to inadequate nutrition can lead to a bad mood, irritability and difficulty concentrating.

An unhealthy diet can also interfere with the production of important hormones such as serotonin, which can negatively impact a person's mental and emotional health.

5. Decreased muscle mass
Some extreme diets reduce protein requirements. Protein plays an important role in muscle growth and repair. If a person does not get enough protein from their diet, the body will start releasing muscle mass to meet their energy needs.

As a result, valuable muscle mass is lost in addition to fat loss. This is not the desired result, especially for those who want to improve their strength and shape.

To maintain optimal health, it is important to maintain a balanced diet on an ongoing basis. In addition, pay attention to the body's nutritional needs, eat a balanced diet and avoid extreme diets.


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